It’s Me Thriving

A 3-month program for people ready to transform.

You’ve just found an incredible group of people that encourages, supports and challenges you to live your best life. Tell your friends.

Beginning August 8, 2024

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve read the books

  • You’ve attended the workshops

  • You’ve taken the courses

  • And yet there’s still the feeling that you could be more in touch and in tune with who you are.

  • The story you’ve been telling yourself for so long just isn’t working, in fact it’s disempowering.

  • Now you’re ready for a change.

Get ready because you’re about to do something radical.

It’s Me Thriving is a program where we embrace the journey of creating and rewriting our own stories, stepping outside our comfort zones, and striving to live our best lives.

In our day and age meeting like this, to work on ourselves like this, feels radical.

I feel stuck.

I feel like I’m coasting through life.

I’m not living up to my potential.

I used to be more creative and daring. I don’t know what happened.

I know I have so much more inside of me but I’m not sure how to get it out!

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone and you’re in the right place.

It sounds so simple: Just be yourself. More authentic, more genuine, more real. Easy, right?

And yet so many obstacles, so many thoughts and pressures seem to get in the way.

How do we fix this?

One action we can take, and what seems somewhat radical in this day and age, is this—we can surround ourselves with an amazing group of people who are also on this path and who are also ready to listen and inspire and support us without judgement.

We can learn to trust our hearts. Again!

We can practice taking healthy chances in our lives, in our relationships, and with sharing our feelings.

Why is this important?

When we connect with our gut, when we identify and live our values, and when we take control of the story we’ve been telling ourselves for so long, we begin to feel complete and honor who we are.

This sense of integrity also allows us to connect more fully and genuinely with others.

So, yes, this is vital!

Here’s what we’ll do!

Each month we’ll meet over Zoom and I’ll facilitate a discussion on a different topic, and I’ll invite you to share, to inspire, support, challenge, question, and encourage yourself and each other.

What is the cost?

The cost is $575.00.

This includes 2 meetings each month, August, September and October.

This program is about bringing people together and creating a safe space where members feel comfortable to share, and also a vibrant space where they feel strong enough to step outside their comfort zones.

This is what I’ve been doing for some time now and I love it!

This is what I did when I facilitated The Master Series conference with Stephen Porges, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, and Dr. Peter Levine, and all of the attendees.

It’s also what I do every month know when I facilitate The Academy of Therapy Wisdom’s Integration Calls.

Meeting Dates

  • August

    Thursday, August, 8th. 9-10:30am PST

    Thursday, August, 29th. 9-10:30am PST

  • September

    Thursday, September, 12th. 9-10:30am PST

    Thursday, September, 26th. 9-10:30am PST

  • October

    Thursday, October, 10th. 9-10:30am PST

    Thursday, October, 24th. 9-10:30am PST

Private Facebook Group for daily support

What’s Included.

Live monthly inspiration meetings


  • This program is for you if:

    -You feel you’re not living up to your potential.

    -You feel you could be trusting your gut and intuition more.

    -You feel the story you’re telling yourself everyday is not only getting in your way, but it’s keeping you from being who you truly are.

  • We’re going to do something that in this day and age seems somewhat radical—we’re going to support and inspire each other on our journeys to be our full and genuine selves.

    Each month we’ll meet over Zoom where I’ll facilitate a discussion on a different topic:

    -Discovering our values

    -Setting goals

    -Exploring our vulnerability

    -Defining success

    -Communicating effectively

    -and more!

    We’ll also connect in our private Facebook where we’ll share what we’re working on, what’s inspiring us, and reach out for support if we need to.

  • The cost is $575.00.

    This includes a total of 6 meetings. Two meetings in August, September and October of 2024.

  • Here are your dates:


    • Thursday, August, 8th. 9-10:30am PST

    • Thursday, August, 29th. 9-10:30am PST


    • Thursday, September, 12th. 9-10:30am PST

    • Thursday, September, 26th. 9-10:30am PST


    • Thursday, October, 10th. 9-10:30am PST

    • Thursday, October, 24th. 9-10:30am PST

  • If you feel this is not for you and you'd like to cancel one week before the program starts you will receive a full refund.

    If you cancel after the first meeting there is a 50% refund.

  • No. This is support and encouragement and inspiration!

    This is not therapy. And though I have a doctorate in clinical psychology, I am not a therapist and I do not provide therapy.

  • Guy Macpherson brings together people and resources with the goal of raising the awareness of trauma and inspiring others to be their incredible selves.

    With a Doctorate in clinical psychology, and with The Trauma Therapist Project and The Trauma Therapist Podcast he provides resources for clinicians and therapist of all kinds who are starting out on their trauma-informed journey.

    You can learn more about him here.

  • These calls will be video recorded and sent out to all members.

    (These recordings will not be made available to the public, ie posted anywhere on social media.)

So, are you ready to join a community of people who are ready to honor their story and reclaim their power?

Are you ready for a transformation?