Gratitude Builds Fortitude with Holly Bertone

Holly Bertone says she’s been given the gift of being a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor. Her super-power is sharing how gratitude builds fortitude... and knowing every lyric to every 80's song ever made ("Duran Duran and Culture Club are my FAVES").

After spending 25 years rising through the ranks of consulting and federal government service, her failing health shattered her corporate dreams. Thankfully, she’s honoring these changes as a gift and has found renewed purpose as a Certified Health Coach focusing on gratitude and mindset.

Holly is the CEO and Founder of Pink Fortitude and Fortitude.Academy and host of the Gratitude Builds Fortitude Podcast, where she helps women view their diagnosis as a gift so that they can unwrap their resilience to build fortitude with gratitude.

You may have seen her on TV and radio segments, articles, podcasts, and summits AND... #bucketlist... my book on the #1 spot on Amazon.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Gould Farm is back!


Let's Not Forget Joy, Laughter & Play with Lisa Danylchuk, LMFT