A Ruthless Commitment To Healing with Dr. Mark M. McNear

Dr. Mark M. McNear is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and maintains a private practice in New Jersey. With over thirty years of experience in clinical practice, Dr. McNear now focuses on helping those who have had trauma, abuse, and addictions in their lives, sharing the hope of healing that he has realized in his own life.

He graduated from Northeastern Bible College, New York University, and Oxford Graduate School. In addition to his private practice, Dr. McNear has been a speaker to general audiences nationwide. He has also been a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio broadcasts and podcasts. He has written for magazines and co-hosted panelists in videos dealing with Christianity and mental health. His new book, Finding My Words, A Ruthless Commitment To Healing Gently After Trauma, is available on Amazon.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Healing Developmental Trauma using NARM with Laurence Heller, PhD


Healing Trauma with TRIP with Monique Hoving-Smeets