Discovering Open Authenticity with Guy Macpherson, PhD

Do you want to be seen? I would guess--yes!
We all do.
And in order to truly see someone we have to get out of our own way.
It’s not about all the great things we know. (Though they can sometimes help.)
It’s not about all the great workshops we’ve been to. (Thought they can sometimes help.)

It’s about being with the person in front of you.
And this beingness requires an allowance of who we are.
It doesn’t mean hiding our inadequacies or faults or lack of knowledge.
No. Rather, it means understanding that all of those things--and yes, as well as what we call our incredibleness--contributes to the amazing person we are and that’s all we have to be.

I, personally don’t think this is easy.

It is a journey.
Being with the person in front of us means being willing to take in what they are going through.
And being willing and able to hear what they are saying without having all of the thoughts racing around in our heads about ways in which we can help or heal or fix or cure. This can be challenging because it can often feel like we’re not doing something to help. Yet a big part of helping is simply this ability to be with, without having the need to do. I think as humans we all want to be seen.
I think we need to be seen.

This is why I’m creating a group to encourage us along the way.
This is what Open Authenticity is all about.
If this sounds interesting to you and if you’re ready then I invite you to join us.
We begin in February.

To stay up to date about Open Authenticity please click here.


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