Mastering Resilience with Lorry Leigh Belhumeur

Lorry is a renowned leader in the field of mental health, with over 30 years of experience serving children and their families.

As a licensed psychologist, Ph. D, and leader in the nonprofit sector addressing mental health and wellness for children, youth and their families Dr. Lorry has been a driving force behind the implementation of various evidence-based practices and strategies for buffering the impact of trauma and the effects of the toxic stress response, as well as building resilience.

Dr. Lorry was an early adopter of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) framework in her local community, which she continues to use as a context for understanding and addressing mental health needs. She has been recognized as a subject matter expert and is frequently sought out for speaking engagements and training on the topics of building resilience, ACEs and trauma-informed care, as well as finding your purpose.

She received her Ph.D. from UCLA and is considered a visionary and trailblazer in the field of children's mental health. Her unique approach reexamines mental health in the context of ACEs and offers solutions that not only treat the predictable negative impacts of ACEs but that also look upstream to prevent them from happening in the first place.

She has dedicated her life and career to helping the world understand and overcome the effects of childhood trauma, which we now understand as the toxic stress response brought on by ACEs.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


The Body is Where Life is with Hillary McBride


From Victim to Self-Empowered with Andrew Daniel