Moving On Doesn’t Mean Letting Go with Gina Moffa

Gina is a licensed psychotherapist, mental health educator, and media consultant in New York City. In practice for nearly two decades, she has helped thousands of people seeking treatment for trauma, grief, as well as challenging life experiences and transitions. This includes work with Holocaust survivors at 92Y, as well as being a clinical director for a Mt. Sinai Hospital Outpatient Program specializing in addictions.

She received her master’s degree in social work with a specialty in trauma from New York University. Gina is the author of “Moving On Doesn’t Mean Letting Go: A Modern Guide to Navigating Loss” (August 2023, HachetteUSA).

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Integrative Psychotherapy with Dr. Brian Tierney


The Story of Shame with Jeffrey Rutstein Psy.D