One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction with Mary Beth O’Connor

Mary Beth O’Connor has been sober since 1994. She has also been in recovery from abuse, trauma, and anxiety. Six years into her recovery, Mary Beth attended Berkeley Law. She worked at a large firm, then litigated class actions for the federal government. In 2014, she was appointed a federal administrative law judge, a position she held until 2020.

Mary Beth is a director, secretary, and founding investor for She Recovers Foundation and a director for LifeRing Secular Recovery. She regularly speaks about multiple paths to recovery, to groups such as Women for Sobriety. Mary Beth’s op-ed, “I Beat Addiction Without God,” where she described combining ideas from several secular programs to create a robust recovery foundation, appeared in the Wall Street Journal. Her new book, "From Junkie to Judge, One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction" will be released January 24th.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Emotional Trauma & The Brain. Sarah Peyton.


Educating The EMDR Community with Rebecca Kase