A Personal Journey of Trauma & Healing With James Stewart

This is a very interesting interview. It’s a personal story of how one individual, Jim Stewart, was impacted by trauma and how he continued to be impacted by trauma throughout his life. Jim shares his journey of being traumatized and what it was like for him to live with his symptoms and then what it was like to begin his healing journey.

Jim is a trauma survivor, having experienced two near death events as well other traumas early in life. Having had a lifelong struggle with the impact of trauma, in the past six years Jim has embarked on a journey of healing. This included both EMDR and BrainSpotting. He is happy to say that he is now a survivor and he wishes to share his story of hope and healing with others.

In This Episode

What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Helping People Stay Alive with Stacey Freedenthal, PhD


Understanding Adult Children of Alcoholics with Christie Pearl