Asking Is The Medicine with Dr. Aimie Apigian

Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH, is a Board-Certified Preventive Medicine physician with a Masters in Biochemistry and a Masters in Public Health. She is an author, speaker and founder of Trauma Healing Accelerated, LLC and Family Challenge Camps, and host of Bio-Optimize Summit.

After a few years in a general surgery residency in Portland, OR, she decided to forge her career path as a Trauma, Attachment and Addiction Medicine Physician. She believes the healing journey can be accelerated through evidence-based tools and approaches to rewire the nervous system and the effects of chronic stress and trauma on the mind and body. Having both parented children with effects from attachment and trauma issues and then had her own health challenges with chronic stress and trauma, she is intensely invested in finding what actually works practically, and how to restore the body to its highest potential for health by optimizing its biology.

She is the Founder and Director for Family Challenge Camps, a non-profit organization founded in 2011 providing an experiential transformative intensive for families with children with trauma and attachment issues. She has now founded Trauma Healing Accelerated to bring information and personal empowerment through online courses. She hosts summits on how to optimize the biology in those who want the next level to their health and performance. She has an active medical practice in California in Addiction Medicine and Concierge Functional Medicine.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Trauma-Informed Occupational Therapy with Alyson Stover


The Profound Impact of Bilateralstimulation with Yanick Steinbeck