Getting Back In The Game with Colleen Ryan-Hensley

Colleen Ryan-Hensley is a 10-year Navy Veteran, an advocate for mental health and expert in mental toughness who created the online educational resource BingingSober.

Colleen struggled with depression since she was a teenager and instead of expressing her feelings and getting help, she was taught to "rub some dirt on it and get back in the game." To cope with depression, she started drinking and going on long runs to escape the things that hurt.

When she joined the Navy, she brought this mental and physical toughness with her. Sure, it was the perfect combo for being a great sailor, but not so great for relationships, health and overall wellbeing. It wasn't until well after her Navy days that she started focusing more on the feelings she kept bottled up and peeling away the decades of toughness she had built up around her.

Today, Colleen shows others how to avoid making these costly decisions and live a balanced life where escape and reality can live in harmony.

In This Episode:


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Grief and The Dance of Self-Discovery with Edy Nathan


Religious Trauma and Purity Culture with Audrey Omenson